Superyacht-life, life of a superyachtie

Mental health is a big issue in this industry, and lack of training, resources, and support are woefully lacking. A recent survey  done by Quay Crew paints a bleak picture of the superyacht industry, with  50% of those surveyed having considered leaving the industry and those that stay tend to mangage it alone.

The survey shows, superyacht crew are struggling and need help now, people need training, awareness and support to be able to enjoy and thrive in this industry despite conditions unique to this industry.

Mental health is associated with a person’s overall mental well-being. It includes rational thinking, good decision-making, and managing difficult situations. On the other hand, emotional health is related to the ability to manage your moods and feelings. This is summed up as stress.

Anxiety is our body’s reaction to stress, it’s  a feeling of worry, nervousness or unease about something with an uncertain outcome.  Anxiety symptoms may include being irritable, easily fatiqued, problems sleeping, poor concentration and going blank. Another aspect of mental health is loneliness and isolation which stems from not having certain needs met or by not fitting in with the environment you work. 

mental health & wellbeing in the superyacht industry

The biggest causes of mental health issues are burnout & fatigue which is by far the biggest factor. Closely followed by tension amongst the crew, sleep deprivation, lack of support, being away from home, pressure to perform and bullying.  

These topics are discussed on this website, in podcasts through my services. Sometimes you may want to talk with with someone who understands your situation that isn’t your family or fellow crew member and you can do that through me.